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tv   KPIX 5 News on the CW  CW  April 28, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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a fatal stabbing launches a massive manhunt... the victim: an we discovered her with severe injuries. he did not know if she was deceased at that time. >> a fatal stabbing launches a massive man hunt. the victim, an 8-year-old girl. tonight we're live with the search. the investigation into the boston bombing is still developing. why lawmakers say that the suspects' mom helped. the one thing that's working for them and where they could go to get help. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. lock your doors and stay inside. that's a warning tonight in the town where a man hunt continues for the killer of the 8-year- old girl. the girl was found inside her valley springs home east of stockton yesterday around noon. kpix 5 don is live for us. >> reporter: and for the night they seemed to have finished up
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their investigation at the crime scene, which is the home of leila fowler, but there are a lot of people out here as you suggested to me that they are worried that there is a killer on the loose. despite the fact that there is no precise prescription on the person that might -- description of the person that might have killed the girl. after learning that an 8-year- old girl had been killed in a house just down the road, he was taking precautions. >> i got up and looked underneath the house because it is three stories in the back. he could have been under the house. >> when did you do that? >> this morning. yeah. i went in and saw that the doors were opened up or add jarred or something like that. >> reporter: it was saturday when a 12-year-old boy entered the home to check on his 8-year- old sister according to police. as he enteredded, an intruder ran out and then the boy found his sister. >> she was suffering from some very serious severe injuries. >> reporter: the 8-year-old was
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stabbed and bleeding, taken to the local hospital where she died. a vigil will be held at 7:00 where she went to school. the principal said that schools will be opened on monday as there will be counselors on hand and added patrol cars near jenny lynn elementary. police are taking a hard look at the crime scene. >> search teams comprised of uniforms and plain-clothed officers are following up on progress, tips, and leads. >> reporter: the neighbor don mason can only think about the grandchildren that often stay with him and his wife. >> we were sitting here with our doors open and stuff like that. the grandkids have been here. we found out more on what was going on and then made them come home and watch cartoons. >> reporter: police collected a substantial amount of fingerprints and what they think might be dna. >> what about the older brother. is he being cooperative,
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investigated at all by police? >> reporter: police are not speaking specifically to that, but the rumors are running rampant up here that they are talking to the boy, that there are questions about the boys. that was one of the first questions what about the boy. but at the same time, they say they are keeping all their options open, they are not pinpointing anyone or pinpointing the boy. >> don knapp, thank you. tonight, towers across the country should be in staff on the furloughs and brought on by the sequestration and budget cuts that have been lifted by congress. we're not completely in the clear. the coast guard said that the same cuts, they have forced them to suspense the patrols of the potential terror targets, including the bay bridges. and crews, they are concentrating on the search and rescue missions. and for thousands of people here in california and across the country, they are starting today. federal unemployment benefits, they will be slashed. cbs reporter margaret brennan
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on the ripple effects. >> reporter: travelers will breathe a sigh of relief as air traffic controllers return to work. north carolina native margie traveled through new york today. >> i was delighted. i sat on the runway for a couple of hours just a couple days ago. >> reporter: with the crisis over, the other budget cuts are looming outside the airline industry. and this week, the federal jobless benefits in the states like california, new hampshire, and ohio, they will all be slashed by the double digits. those cuts will take money out of the pockets of the newly unemployed. and in his weekly address, president obama, they warned that unless congress agrees to find new ways for them to spend the painful budget cuts that will continue. >> we can't keep putting band- aids on every cut. >> reporter: and the white house, they say that many of those cuts were impacting the vulnerable. like the low-income women and children that will get meals through federal programs. and groups that don't have the
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type of muscle to lobby for relief, says sarah binder tracking the fallout. >> they get paid by medicare that are affected by sequestration saying we have long lines, turning away patients, that they will need to travel. and i believe that they will try to organize to try to put that type of bipartisan pressure on congress. >> and margaret reports that there will be no emergency legislation to bail out the programs, at least not any time soon. lawmakers left on friday for the nine-daybreak. well, a shocking discovery in what is described as a hoarder's home in the county, among debris, three feet deep, nearly 50 dogs and cats. they said that they found about 31 dogs and puppies, along with 17 cats living in horrible conditions. and most were malnourishedded, suffering from fleas and infections. they are accepting donations to care for the animals, but right now they are not available for
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adoption. new questions tonight in the investigation of the boston marathon bombings. cbs is reporting on why some lawmakers think that the tsarnaev brothers had helped from abroad. >> reporter: they are wondering if they may have had training from terrorists. the tsarnaev brothers used devices similar to weapons used in afghanistan, india, and pakistan. >> the experts all agree that there is someone that did train these two individuals. the question is where is that trainer or trainers. are they overseas in the chechen region or in the united states? >> reporter: the fbi interviewed tamerlan tsarnaev after russian authorities warned he might be a threat. but u.s. officials did not find any reason to suspect him. and he died in the shootout with police. his brother dzhokhar is in custody. the senator says that there is no evidence that tamerlan and his brother were a part of a
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larger organization. >> it appears at this point based on the evidence that it's the two of them. >> reporter: some believe that the suspects' mother played a role in turning her sons against america. >> i believe she's a person of interest. if not a subject. i do believe that she comes into the united states, then she will be detained for questioning. so i think that there is a connection there. >> reporter: the father of the suspects were planning a trip to the u.s., but now says it is postponed because of poor health. cbs news, new york. >> and the parents, they brought their sons to the u.s. when they were children, but later moved to russia without them. meanwhile a special bay area this morning for the martinez boys that are still recovering from one of the explosions. about 500 people came together for a walk-and-run fundraiser. donations are going to aaron's recovery fund. >> the biggest thing is to raise money to help get aaron home as fast as possible.
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and to justshow aaron and his family how much we absolutely love him and we can't wait to have him home. >> the 11-year-old was injured by the second explosion on thursday. he was well enough to visit the scene of the bombing. checking bay area headlines. police are searching for whoever shot two men. one of them fatally. officers found the victim critically injured just after midnight. the 21-year-old jose diaz died at the hospital. the other man is in stable condition. so far police have no suspects and no motive. jury selection begins tomorrow in the trial of alleged serial killer joseph naso. the modeling photographer is accused of killing four women between 1977 and 1994. his trial has been postponed twice already because he was representing himself. if convicted of multiple murders, he faces the death
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penalty. and in san mateo county, a domestic violence suspect who escaped from the backseat of the deputy's car is now behind bars. authorities caught up with juan carlos ballencia in mountainview with a $135,000 warrant out for his arrest after deputies said he broke free during his first arrest on thursday. he's expected of beating up his girlfriend among other crimes. berkeley's mayor wants to give people working in the city a pay raise of sorts. the mayor wants to raise the minimum wage in the city from $8.50 to $10.50 an hour. they must pay their employees at least $99.75 plus an extra $1.62 for benefits. a worker making the state minimum needs a yearly income of less than $17,000 a year or half of what they call it the very low income for the area. >> it is a plus for the economy.
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well, not only for berkeley, but the whole entire surrounding area. to give us something to actually look forward to. >> supporters say that the minimum-waged ordinance might allow them to live in the city, forcing business owners to pay employees more, less demand for workers. the setbacks suffered by workers trying to pull people from a class 8-story building. a new scrutiny for another batch of bolts on the bay bridge. i'm very excited to go out and try to make an impact in the real world, but at the same time very nervous. >> the prospect for college graduates this year and where many are turning to find that first job. highs across the bay area today. up to 20 degrees above normal and the warmest day is still yet to come. we'll pinpoint that day as the news continues right here on
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the cw. ,,,, look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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today -- crowds emotions are running high at the site of a building
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collapsemeanwhile rescue crews found several more people alive, but rescue efforts had to be put on hold when a fire broke out at the site tonight. hundreds are still missing. more potential problems with more bay bridge bolts. they haven't snapped like the others. questions are being raised about their reliability. >> it is a big and beautiful new bridge, but lately making headlines for nothing, but bad bolts. >> they're being tested, pulled out, being cut, and essentially stressed to breakage to look at within the microscope. >> reporter: the public commission on the 32 long steal bolts that snapped and the 192 that haven't, at least not yet. >> the difference is that these are under incredible tension. the other ones that have been
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inspected are not. none of them have shown what these have shown, which is that these have failed. >> reporter: in fact the san francisco chronical reports today that the bridge has more than 1,200 bolts made from these materials. >> the question is overtime, 10 years, 20 years, as we monitor the bridge, are we going to replace them? it's too early to tell right now. >> reporter: and who's to blame? bad decision making by the bridge makers? >> we don't know if they are bad or if the specification was a part of the question. look, that question will be answered, but not today. >> reporter: as of now that new span is scheduled to be opened to drivers on labor day weekend, which may very well change. a final decision is expected on may 8. on treasure island, kpix 5.
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>> the bay area toll authority has not decided how to fix a part of the bridge compromised by the broken bolts. graduation day is coming for many bay area colleges. while the job market is stronger than in recent years, finding employment can be tough. kpix 5 sue kwon on where students are turning for help. >> reporter: the apartment graduation party for the uc berkeley students is a place to celebrate. but for the graduate jenny chang, it's a bittersweet situation. >> it's a feeling between excited to go out there and make an impact in the world, but at the same time very nervous naturally. >> reporter: they find businesses only plan to hire 2% more college grads from the class of 2013 compared to last year. making this year's job search particularly challenging for jenny and fellow grad christopher. >> for some i have secured interviews, but it seems like their company is not exactly looking to expand, that they are not looking to hire. and that the jobbing process is
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so competitive. >> the economy is still recovering. it's not as easy to get a job as it was, you know, 15 years ago. >> reporter: with fewer on- campus recruiting events, more students are turning to online job boards and like on how to nail an interview to how to thrive in a new work environment. there that's a really good question. >> reporter: job openings increased by 11% this year according to the labor department. but the number of the people being hired has decreased in recent months. now that could be because businesses, they are being selective or that they are waiting for them to graduate. jenny and christopher plan to keep answering questions. setting up meetings and consider unpaid internships. their college journey may be over, but still a long lesson to learn about this recovering economy. sue kwon, kpix 5. >> so who is hiring the most college grads? i.t. employers rank ahead of all the
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other industries followed by financial services and health care. all right, we'll take a look now at your weather. did i hear you say 20 degrees warmer than a couple days ago? >> 20 degrees is above average. we should be 71 degrees in livermore. so yes, yes. probably it was 20 degrees warmer in the inland areas than just a couple days ago. good evening everybody. wow, what a day. the south bay. let's head to san jose, home of the 46th annual cherry blossom festival. this is one of the most premier cherry blossom festivals in the entire country, with 225,000 people taking part in this activity on saturday and on sunday. today's high temperature in san jose was 7 degrees above the average at 73 degrees. right now in san jose, 68. and it is 60 degrees in san francisco.
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these temperatures are warmer than yesterday, just 24 hours ago with a lot of warm air mass still in place. the winds are calm. now, today's highs, 66 san francisco. typically we should be about 64 degrees. but there you have that 20- degree temperature above normal and livermore at 80. san jose, 80 today and santa rosa, your weather headlines. what you need to know, you're starting a brand new workweek and clear skies tonight, overnight. tomorrow, a carbon copy from what you have experienced today and the extended forecast will call for dry weather all the way through the end of the month. just tuesday, may 1 on wednesday. pollen count today was off the charts. and the dry air mass is in place with a bit of a late afternoon breeze. high pressure is right around there. it'll sit there as it will expand as it does so, we have our temperatures going up, except on tuesday when they trickle down just a couple notches. now tomorrow, actually, bright sunshine in santa cruz at 87
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degrees. the water temperature will be 52 degrees. for your monday, 90s across the valley. low 90s at the state capital. 95 in modesto, fresno. tonight overnight in the 40s and 50s. kick off the extra blanket with the starry skies. take a look at the climates as we are still forecasting 60s at the seashore. 70s to 80s around the peninsula. warmest locations will be morgan hill and in gilroy in the low 90s. low 90s throughout the tribe valley including pleasanton. we start off 70s in saulsilito. 88 degrees in sonoma. again the winds will be on shore northwest at 10 to 15,
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which leads me to believe by midweek we'll be talking about the potential of the high fire danger. warmest day is yet to come as we will come at the end of the workweek when the dodgers will come to town to play our giants on friday. that'll be the hottest day of this warm trend, which will continue for your weekend. 90s already. thank you much. appreciate it. after decades on the bay area, they have called us to the show. ♪ [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio.
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the a's honored john perry by having him throw out the first pitch in their game against baltimore. he's been coaching the a's as santa rosa's west side little league for 40 years. and that's about 39 more than what he had planned on. >> i thought it would be one season. and then i kind of got caught in it. and i have players returning each year, so i didn't want to leave them behind, so i would come back every year if i can. >> get this, he pays for the kids uniforms and it goes out of his own pocket, even maintaining the field himself. he's schedul to coach his 1,000th game next month. i'm dennis o'donnell, how good were the warriors tonight in game -- i'm dennis o'donnell, how good were the warriors tonight in their game? we'll have it all for you coming up next. ,,,,
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star command, i'm detecting high levels of happiness. luscious locks there's an entire land here...with living cars. now this is flying... with style. great glittering galaxies. disneyland resort just got happier, see it all with a 3-day park hopper ticket. i now appear to be lost in a deep dark cave...
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welcome back everybody from oracle with the warriors. oh my goodness. they have fans all over the bay area, adjusting off the "we believe" t-shirts from a few years ago. the warriors have the denver nuggets on the brink of elimination. and this comes six years after shooting the mavericks in the first round. wayne, give me the block, please. getting oracle fired up with the anthem, saving the best play with the warriors for the post season. a nasty dunk, the big man that had 12 points. point as they come away with the 19-point lead. the look on jack's face says it
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all. making quick work of the lakers. tony parker had 23 in game four and san antonio sweeped the lakers. another suspect is joe knave. hopefully with the two-runners in the 4th. the a's have avoided a four- game sweep against baltimore. in the attempt, cocoa's bump leads it up to a bad throw to the orioles at thebe. eventually realizing that it is the ball that he is in left field scoring the winning run. a's are victorious right next door as they break their losing streak and the warriors have tenter on the brink of elimination. and then as we go back to you, a lot of people thought denver was too deep. that they had too much fire power. but that's the fact of the matter is that the warriors,
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they remerging. what magic johnson said in the telecast tonight. >> all right, more dennis tonight at 11:00. good night. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[lady gaga's just dance] ♪ [volume lowered] >> it's britney, bitch. and i am back in the form of a new company-- the michael scott paper company.


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